Event this Weekend: Charivari Detroit

Hello everyone!

MILegalize will be at Charivari Detroit on Belle Isle this weekend! That being said, WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! (Please…!)

MILegalize will have a booth at Chiavari Detroit from noon – 10pm on both Saturday and Sunday.We need volunteers to help setup Saturday morning and would like to have 3+ people at the table to petition, answer questions, etc. Besides petitioning, this event should be a lot of fun! Read more about it here.

We also need a tent and a table to set up. If you have one that we can borrow, LET US KNOW!

This is a HUGE event, and we are hoping for an easy 1,000+ signatures. Please send an email to milegalizeoakland@gmail.com or chuckvee@yahoo.com if you are interested. Chuck will be coordinating the event, so any specific questions can be directed to him.

Thank you in advance, and we hope to see you on Belle Isle this weekend!

Peace, love, and cannabis.

The MILegalize Oakland Crew

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